Friday, July 8, 2011

GALEN OLSON'S BLOG - 'Rolloff' Season 3, Episode 2

Surprise! Double elimination! See that coming?

First, congrats to Andrea and Sean, the challenge winners! Andrea had the freaking WHEELBARREL bowl! How she even managed to get pins down, I have no idea, but it was impressive to see her come out of her shell this week. It was lovely. You can call it birthday luck, but Sean really nailed the challenge: he clearly looked like he was having fun modeling Jay’s shirt, and he never once complained about any of the challenges Jay was trying to throw at them.

Honorable mentions: Nate REALLY stepped up his game - he listened to Jay, had a good attitude, and bowled fantastically. Halei’s bowling improved as well, and played the amish role very well. And Chelsea was the first one to comply with one of Jay’s challenges, and got her first strike of the season, so kudos to her as well! Jordan, while perhaps didn’t 100% listen to Jay, did manage to ask him TONS of questions about EVERYTHING, enough to confuse Jay into not putting her in the bottom 4, so for that, I salute her!

God, where the hell do I begin with the bottom 3? (technically 4, but I’ll take Jenn out of the equation, because she didn’t do as horrible). We were judging on their attitudes and compliance with the challenge, instead of the bowling. You can have all the talent in the world, but if you can’t handle the craziness bowling has to offer and have a good attitude about it, then why even play? Kailie was just bitchy and immature when it came to interacting with Jay, and when she finally did interact with him, it was more out of desperation on her part. Not impressed. Melinda, so far in the competition, has been one of the best bowlers and seemed like a front-runner to win the show. She even bowled a 300 up in Seattle not too long ago! No, her talent never came into question. Although she might have done some of the challenges, she had the balls to go behind the scenes and make fun of Jay and the whole challenge? On a challenge that was testing their attitude and behavior? In front of KATIE NEUHAUSER of all people?! Oh, no, no, no, NO! Coped with the fact she made fun of her partner last week and somehow skated by unscathed, it was clear when we saw her do the same thing to Jay behind camera that this was a serious problem. While I like Erik, he treated Jay like shit the whole time, refused the challenges, and damaged his belongings… the hell did he think he would survive elimination doing all of that? No, it was clear from the get-go that Erik was going to be eliminated, deservedly so, but the question was, did Melinda and Kailie perform bad enough with their attitudes that it warranted a 2nd elimination? YES! But….this might shock you, I would have sent Kailie packing over Melinda. I don’t care how good she is: with an attitude like that, you would NEVER be considered a professional bowler. She's cool outside of the show, but ON the show, I was really turned off by that. Plus, she failed the challenge just as badly as Erik did. However, I can’t muster up a lot of pity for Melinda either, so in the end, I was okay with the decision. And I hope the other contestants took this double elimination as a warning: we are NOT putting up with their bullshit this season. If their attitudes don‘t improve, they are packing their balls and going bye bye!

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